Another bug arrived

Yes, it seems I'm absolutely crazy for this cute little DZ bugs. I just hope they are going to offer more of them as event dolls in the future. How about a tiny butterfly or a tiny moth or something the like?

I got him with the DZ default face-up, but I think I will change it to make him look more like his girlfriend DongDong.

DongDong: So you're the new one? But why are you naked?
LanKui: ^////^

DongDong: Come on we're going to find you some clothes.

Just for fun a view from behind. I really like Lankui's dragonflywings. They're so amazingly movable. 

The DZ default face-up. No he isn't dirty on his cheeks, that's where he has some sort of silvery fantasy tattoo. But if the light doesn't hit it from the right angle it doesn't show properly. 


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