Chibbi Newt Preorder

Since there is currently a preorder for the Chibi version of Newt, I thought I'd share a picture of my (original sized) Newt. I really like this kitty a lot, however, I think I do have to change something about her style. She might need another, more dramatic face-up I think. I don't have any clues though what exactly I'd love for her. Maybe for a change I should try myself at changing (or improving) her face-up. If everything fails, I can still send her away for a more professional face-up.

And, of course, I also need the Chibi Version of her :D. 


  1. Oh, that big one is cute! I'll bet Chibi will be cute too.

  2. She's absolutely super cute! I'd love to see a darker face up with maybe darker liner on the eyes. :) Are you going to LDoll this year?

    I have tagged you on a Mystery Blogger Award in my blog. YOu can do it if you feel like it, it's not a must as there's been plenty of similar things going on earlier.

  3. Hi Santana, ich bin's Zombie von Dolicted.
    Ich kann das Forum irgendwie nimmer nutzen?!
    Hab aber per Sendenummer gesehen, dass du Ondiin bekommen hast. Ich hoffe, es war alles ok?! Was ist mit Dollicted los?
    Lg Zombie

  4. Meine Email:


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